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Billiards is no longer a means of communication between the few. the unique charm of billiards has made the lives of many people more fulfilling and has also added more happiness and excitement to their lives. Doctor Cheng International Inc. has specially selected exquisite, world renown, brand name billiard products and invested time and effort in planning - from design, development, to production - to bring you a series of related everyday goods. This is so that the billiards lover in you can express caring and thoughtfulness through billiards. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. help you send out your warm, caring thoughts and feelings. We sincerely hope to be of service to you. Due to your active participation, billiards will be represented in the 1998 Asian Olympics. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. grow with you so that together, we may usher in the new era in billiards. Our growth can only happen with your support.
Valve-tek is the "only one" manufacturer of ball valves direct sales to worldwide market in Europe(50%), America(30%) and others(20%), who has its own investment casting foundry, machining, fabricating in one plant with 105 employee in Taiwan. The casting section has 50 employees, with a month capacity of 150 Tons, Its equipped with full set of investment casting foundry manufacturing and testing machines. Besides, it has the capabilities to produce casting part according to customers requirement. With a full complete production line and over 25 years professional experiences, we are confident to control strict quality, on time delivery and lower cost. The accumulation of technology leads our team do all effort offering the top qualified products.
Orez Taiwan is establisehd in July, 2011 as a foreign investment company specializing German Cosmetic Brand of " Frei". Orez Korea has an exclusive for sales of Frei in Asia market and Orez Taiwan is in charge of all the sales marketing activities in Taiwan. Orez Taiwan will be promoting all the brand of Frei line from Hydroid, Sentstive, Antiaging, Bio and Urea line. Especially Frei Pflege Oil is the number one of market share for Anti-stretch mark in Germany and Korea. Orez Taiwan will expland their market with Frei in soon. 歐瑞斯國際有限公司為一新設立之外資投資公司,專營德國frei品牌之保養品批發零售。frei亞洲區獨家代理權由韓國Orez Korea取得,Orez Taiwan將負責台灣區之銷售,將frei優良的保養品推廣給國內使用者。
*INTRODUCTION OF THE PROGAME ELECTRONICS INC. We、The Progame Electronsics Inc. have been established since 1982 with the capital of US$300,000 as an experienced manufacturer of coin、video、amusement machines and their spare parts. We are specialized in export/ import trade of a complete line of amusement products. We have qualified professionals constantly involved in developing new and used amusement machines and offer the best after-services to suit customers』 demands. We look forward to cooperate with the potential factories to make the achievement that will benefits for both of us. * OPERATION PRINCIPLE: 1. Providing educational、safe and comfortable entertainment place for people 2. To break the stereo type of piracy and copy image by establishing the new brand of our own. * OPERATION RANGE: 1. Distributing the various kinds of machines. 2. To investigate and develop new program of the IC board. 3. Trading and modifying the different series of IC board、such as Mary、Fruit and amusement series. 4. Spare parts and materials for wholesale. 5. Various kinds of machines for rent. * MAINTENANCE: 1. Maintain and repair the machine IC board for customers. * POCESS AND COMPOSE FOR SPECIAL CASE: 1. Design and program the entertainment park including association operation. 2. Develop special IC and PC board as required. *MARKET STRATEGY: 1. For Domestic Market-Provide our retailer with products for wholesale and for rent. 2. For Foreign Market-Spread our products through our agencies worldwide market. There are also colorful catalogues available.
An international kitchenware manufacturer and marketing company, and the new set up company in Taiwan is looking for qualified people to join the growing market and share the growth of the company’s benifit. Please see our website for details !
洛杉磯的時尚趨勢在過去的10年中有了劇烈的變革。從好萊塢到西洛杉磯,地方的自創品牌興起並 占領了Robertson,Melrose的街道。潮流的引領者不再是大歐洲品牌,地方自創品牌精神的興起 更新了洛杉磯的時尚層面。 這更得到了著名人士和夜店常客强力支持, 因爲他們喜好次文化, 罕見,讓他們站立於眾人注目的星光中。 來自洛杉磯的Strangelove是設計與研發時尚手錶的品牌。 我們意不在於設計一支代表洛杉磯 的手錶,而是啟發出洛杉磯對我們有着什麼樣的意義。其實真正代表我們的是熱衷,熱衷於保存 和讚頌獨立時尚精神在手錶上, 一個没人踏入的領域。 每一種款式的製作都是限量款, 並且都有獨自的編號,它們將收藏在地方著名人士、搖滾明星、 領導潮人和致力忠誠於Strangelove品牌之人的手。在正式發行前,許多著名人士已經預購了他們 喜愛的编號。 Strangelove品牌手錶將只在少數的名牌商店、我們自己的網站,和特選的精品店出現。
公司成立於1992年~目前營業額約2億/年~專營不織布製造銷售~在桃園設有工廠~外銷市場佔總營業額8成。 Taiwan Spunlace (group) Co; Ltd. is the leading professional spunlace manufacturer in Taiwan. With the spirit of achieving the best, we have jointly formed a group of skilled electronic construction engineers, process technicians, product related sales engineers, and planners with substantial knowledge a variety of first-grade quality products. Our perfectly synchronized automated production line and flawless selling system enable us to ensure that the production and marketing functions complement each other. Most of our founder members have experience with non-woven industry or equipment over than 30 years, and they are all the pioneers for spunlacing industry in Taiwan. In1994 we successfully developed the first hydro-entanglement production line, and till now we had set up totally 9 lines in Asia already. These years we concentrated all our spirit on developing hydro-entanglement technology and continuously acquire experience from practical operation. These precious experiences are the key-points to improve and develop the new technology on our production line. Now we had achieved a great success on machine’s performance, stability and capacity. With 250~300 tons high quality output per month, our worldwide customers are distributed in Japan, Korea, America, France, England, Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, India, Israel, Hong Kong…..etc.
萊爾富便利商店為光泉關係企業,是第一家國人自營的便利商店連鎖系統,於民國七十九年成立,十數 年來萊爾富以「鄉土情-世界觀的經營理念,在美日系統便利商店林立的市 場中,開發出屬於自己的一片天空。 萊爾富便利商店全年無休、明亮的燈光照亮每個街頭巷尾,我們服膺熱忱、積極、嚴謹、創新的經營理念,不斷引進國內外優良商品,致力於為顧客追求優質的生活;並且貢獻通路力量,協助公益團體、配合各項公共服務事業,讓萊爾富透過商品販售服務,成為社區的一份子和便利生活不可或缺的幫手。 熱忱-以人為先、以顧客為本的服務精神。 積極-勤奮務實、勇於任事的工作精神。 嚴謹-誠懇樸實、實事求是的工作態度。 創新-不斷思考以求提供最新、最好、最快的服務和產品給顧客。 完整商品線,創意販售 萊爾富提供4000多種各式生活食品、用品、出版品,及各項代收、代售、兌換活動等服務,另以型錄預購、電子賣場及Life-ET等多元販售管道,在有限店舖空間,發揮無限商品,以創造、滿足消費者全面的生活需求。 引領消費需求,創意販售 萊爾富除了滿足消費者生活上的需求外,更積極的將行銷創意化為可執行的活動方案,藉由門市熟練、貼心的服務與長期培養的在地情感,將行銷理念傳遞至每一位顧客的心底。 開創自營品牌,獨樹一幟 藉由POS系統對消費情報的搜集,了解、分析消費者的嗜好,以製販同盟的合作模式,共同開發高品質且具有特色的產品,以積極扮演消費者[家庭廚房]的角色,提供24小時的便利鮮食產品 保持商品鮮度,強化鮮食安全 萊爾富為提供產品品質保證,近年來積極、持續的在各鮮食協力廠商推動食品安全管制制度(HACCP),並鼓勵廠商對各項單品申請CAS優良食品標章。同時也致力於加強出廠管理與食品檢測配送安全,力求全程恆溫管控商品鮮度,俾使消費者更安心、更安全享用新鮮美食
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